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Each year, the Nominating Committee of the Alumnae Association of Smith College (AASC) presents a slate of nominees for alum leadership roles related to the work of the AASC, including officers of the AASC, members of the AASC Board of Directors, and members of the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee’s goal is to provide the best possible leadership for the AASC. Special attention is given to ensure that these bodies represent the diversity of Smith alums across all measures. The slate is voted upon digitally by the alum community. In addition, every two years, the Board of Trustees of Smith College elects a Trustee Nominated by the Nominating Committee from candidates nominated by the Nominating Committee.

View the full roster of current members.



Serves as a non-voting, ex-officio member of the AASC Board during the first year of office. As president, leads the AASC in a collaborative partnership with OAR, the college, and the alum body; serves as the chair of the AASC board of directors and the executive committee; and as an alumna trustee on the Board of Trustees. Five-year term.


Serves as an officer of the AASC Board of Directors; a member of the executive committee; a strategic adviser to the Office of Alumnae Relations (OAR), an ambassador for the college, and an advocate for the alum body; as the recording secretary for meetings of the members of the AASC, the AASC Board, and the executive committee. Four-year term.


Serves as a member of the AASC Board of Directors; supports the AASC president, the executive committee, and the AASC board; serves as a strategic adviser to the Office of Alumnae Relations (OAR), an ambassador for the college, and an advocate for the alum body. Four-year term.

Nominating Committee

Identifies, interviews, and recommends candidates for vacant officer and member roles on the AASC Board of Directors, trustees nominated by the AASC, and members of the Nominating Committee; ensures in each case that candidates represent a range of class years, geographic areas, skill sets, and diversity. Three-year term.

Trustee Nominated by the Alumnae Association

Along with the AASC Board President, serves as trustee, represents the voice of alumnae, raises concerns and issues important to the alumnae body, and provides insight to the activities and strategies of the Association to the Board of Trustees. Four year terms served on the AASC Board and the Board of Trustees, served concurrently.

2024 Nominees

This year’s slate follows below; bios of each person are also available. The alum community was invited to vote on the slate via email on May 15, 2024. The vote remained open through June 30, 2024.


Lara Marcon ’91
New York, New York


Suzanne Kim Doud Galli ’87
Washington, DC


Amy Nutt ’77
Madison, New Jersey

Alejandra “Alej” Ruiz ’17
Tucson, Arizona

Nominating Committee

Gail Campanella ’75
Ann Arbor, Michigan

Alta Rodriguez ’90
Springfield, Virginia

Jaqueline “Jackie” Wong ’91
Saint Cloud, Florida

Trustees Nominated by the Alumnae Association

Cecilia Robinson Edwards ’88
De Soto, Texas

To nominate yourself or another alum for consideration for an AASC leadership position, please use this form.